- 1956, first fully automatic mobile phone system, was developed by Ericsson.
- 1960, the first partly automatic car phone system.
- 1964, Motorola launched first car phone.
- April 3, 1973; the first mobile phone call from Sixth Avenue to Alliance Capital Building, New York.
- 1973, the first handheld phone, Motorola DynaTac 8000X, more than a foot long, weighed nearly 2 pounds, and sold for USD 3,995. Its equivalent to USD 19,300 today!
- 1992, the first smartphone launched. It's called Simon.
- 2009, there are 1.2 billion mobile phones worldwide were sold.
- January - March 2010, 314.7 million phones were sold, 54.3 million were smartphones, 19% of all phones sold now are smartphones.
- 2010, mobile subscribers surpassed 5 billion.
- Over 70% of the world's population now have a mobile phone.
- 85% of children own a phone while only 73% own books at home.
- In the US, 9 out of 10 of every man, woman and child have a phone.
- Total number of iPhones sold so far (from the launching date January 9, 2007) 59,634,000.
- In the first three days of selling the iPhone 4 it sold 1.7 million units.
- By the end of 2010, 53% of companies will have deployed iPhones.
- In July 2008, Apple launched the Appstore. It launched with 500 apps, by June 2010, 225,000+ Apps were available. Over 3,000,000,000 Apps have been downloaded to date.
- In October 2008, Google launched Android. Android is now the number 4 smartphones behind iPhone, and growing 886% year on year.
- 160,000 new Android smartphones are being activated each day.
- There are now 60 Android powered-devices available in 49 countries.
- 2010, we will see 3 times more companies deploy Android.
- 2009, USD 4.2 billion was spent on apps.
- 2013, an estimated USD 29.5 billion will be spent on apps.
- In the first three months of 2010, 1.475 trillion messages were sent worldwide.
- By the end of 2010, 6.5 trillion messages will have been sent.
- On the day Obama was elected, 1.2 billion SMS messages were sent in the US between 4 pm and 9 pm PST.
- In the next five years, more people will connect to the internet via a mobile vs a PC.
What do you expect mobile phone's capabilities in the next 5 years?
Source: Click here and here.
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