Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ini mengarut - Facebook-whore

What does a Facebook Whore do?

  1. Has a wall with more than 1,000 posts on it.
  2. Has a profile that is longer than most professional resumes.
  3. Regularly posts more than 5 sentences on a single post on a wall or discussion board.
  4. No more than three days passes without an update on the user's profile.
  5. Updates status on every mood change and/or "what I had for lunch."
  6. Comments on someone's photo.
  7. Has more than 2 sentences in the section "about me."
  8. Regularly posts song lyrics or quotes that make them look deep.
  9. Has more than 2 emails posted on their profile.
  10. Puts many photos of himself or herself to be a showoff.
  11. Joins every network or adds all applications of their friends.
  12. Writes an inappropriate word anywhere on the profile.
  13. Has more than 20 pictures taken on the same day posted on their profile.
  14. Comments on their own status.
  15. Loves to tag people in photos even though it's not even them
  16. Has suicidal thoughts when they forget their password.
  17. Has more than 500 comments on one photo by 5 of her boyfriends fighting over her.
  18. Plays Farmville and rapes other people's crops.
  19. Is flooded with requests every day.


P/S: Some of the points I may have to exclude it for some reasons.

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