In the meantime, atas coffee table kat ruang tamu ni penuh dengan notes Air Pollution dengan Aircraft Propulsion Systems. Esok (18/1/2012) dah exam. 2 paper pulak tu. Memang tak tidur la aku. Lepas tu, esoknya, Computer Modelling Techniques pulak. Hadoiihhh.. Letih.

Second paper, Material Models and Modes of Failure. Subjek ni memang agak senang, sebab 90% content ni dah belajar masa first year dulu. Tapi ada 1 soalan yang aku tiba tiba blank. Tak ingat apa. Sedih gila. Terpaksa lupakan soalan tu. Tinggal kosong. Harapnya final marks higher than expected la.
Esok pulak, 2 paper. Both are expected to be hard, I can't deny. Dalam seminggu ni, 2 hari je aku tidur malam. Selebihnya, bersengkang mata. Pukul 9 pagi baru tidur. Pukul 3 petang baru bangun. Badan aku pun dah totally out. Bangun je, rasa nak tidur. Biological clock dah totally inverted. Siang mengantuk, malam segar.
Habis exam ni, banyak pulak kerja kena buat. FYP aku dah memanggil manggil dah tu. Not even half way pun. Banyak lagi experiment yang aku kena siapkan. Each experiment takes a minimum of 2 days to be fully completed, and yet I have 75 altogether, 76 to be precise. Just estimate the time that I need to get to complete those experiments. And yeah, I don't have that much. I just have 2 WEEKS to be completed, otherwise I will be blamed all the way by that shitty racist supervisor.
After all, life has meant to be continued. I can't argue much, I have to shut up and work. I have a semester left to be completed before I leave this hell-y university and find some money to live. I really can't wait to reach that point. Really. I knew, the forthcoming life will be harder, but....I don't know. Can't wait to say bye bye to this zombieland, full of zombies.
>Anis Shakirin: You have 5 more years to get the scroll. :P